Dr Stephen McInerney

Dr Stephen McInerney

Dr Stephen McInerney
Associate Professor Stephen McInerney

Dean of Studies, Associate Professor of Literature
BA Hons (ANU), PhD (Sydney)
DipEdSt (CoT, London)
DipTh (Cambridge)



Stephen McInerney (b. 1976) is Dean of Studies, Associate Professor of Literature and Director of the Centre for the Study of the Western Tradition. Part of the original faculty at Campion, he has taught across the entire literature curriculum offered by the College.

From 2017-2021, he was a member of the Executive of the Ramsay Centre for Western Civilisation, first as Executive Officer and then Academic Director and Deputy CEO, and in that capacity served on scholarship selection panels at the University of Queensland, the University of Wollongong and Australian Catholic University.

He holds a Doctorate from the University of Sydney (2006), and a Bachelor of Arts (with First Class Honours) from the Australian National University, where he was awarded the University Medal in English. Upon completion of his Advanced Diploma in Theology at the University of Cambridge in 2012, he was awarded the Theological Studies Prize and the Lightfoot Prize.  His published works include The Enclosure of An Open Mystery: Sacrament and Incarnation in the Writings of Gerard Manley Hopkins, David Jones and Les Murray (Peter Lang, 2012) and two volumes of poetry, In Your Absence (2002), chosen by Les Murray as a Times Literary Supplement ‘Book of the Year’, and The Wind Outside (2016).


Selected publications:
  • The Wind Outside. Hardie Grant, 2016.
  • The Enclosure of An Open Mystery: Sacrament and Incarnation in the Writings of Gerard Manley Hopkins, David Jones and Les Murray. Peter Lang, 2012.
  • “Integration”, in Luciano Boschiero, ed. On the Purpose of a University Education (Melbourne: Australian Scholarly Publishing, 2013): 34-47.
  • “History, Theology and Development in the Thought of Newman”, in Brian Coman, et.al, The Christian View of History and the Revival of the Liberal Arts: A Special Edition of Conor Court Quarterly (Ballan: Conor Court, 2012): 271-284.
  • “David Jones’s Blessed Rage for Order: The ‘Will Toward Shape’”, Logos, Vol. 14: 2 (Spring, 2011): 59-81
  • “Integrated Learning: Some Reflections on Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein” in Geoffrey Caban, ed. Education Through the Liberal Arts (Kensington: Warrane College Monographs, 2010): pp. 61-66.
  • Chapter 12: “ ‘Art with its Largesse and its own Restraint’: The sacramental poetics of Elizabeth Jennings and Les Murray”, in Mary Reichardt, ed. Between Human and Divine: The Catholic Vision in Contemporary Literature (Washington D.C: Catholic University of America Press, 2010): pp. 207-225.
  • “Les Murray”, The New Catholic Encyclopedia: Supplement 2011- Literature, Music and the Arts (Washington D.C.: Gale Publishing, June 2011).
  • “Elizabeth Jennings”, The New Catholic Encyclopedia: Supplement 2011 – Literature, Music and the Arts (Washington D.C.: Gale Publishing, June 2011).
  • “Seamus Heaney”, The New Catholic Encyclopedia: Supplement 2011 – Literature, Music and Arts (Washington D.C.: Gale Publishing, June 2011).
  • “Ideas for a Way of Life” and “A Summer Morning, Sydney”, in Geoffrey Lehmann and Robert Gray, eds. Australian Poetry Since 1788 (Kensington: UNSW Press, 2011).
  • “Sonnet to Women” in Jamie Grant, ed. 100 Australian Poems of Love and Loss. (Melbourne: Hardie Grant, 2011): p. 93.
  • “After Wendy Cope” in Jamie Grant, ed. 100 Australian Poems You Need to Know (Melbourne: Hardie Grant, 2008): p. 227.


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