
Students begin the year with Retreat

Student-Retreat-2021-13-scaled-1. Campion College Australia.
Student-Retreat-2021-13-scaled-1. Campion College Australia.
16 Mar 2021

Campion's annual student retreat took place over the weekend at the Benedict XVI Retreat Centre in Grose Vale, northwest of Sydney.

Just over half the student body attended the retreat, which focused on evangelisation under the theme, 'We are called to share the Gospel'.

Guest priest Fr Suresh spoke on Friday night about his conversion from Islam to Christianity, and then his journey to the priesthood. He was followed on Saturday by Sr Therese of the Missionaries of God's Love. Both talks delved into the theme of evangelisation and conversion.

The Confraternity of Christian Doctrine wrapped up the retreat on Sunday with a talk about Catholic missionary work.

The retreat, run by Campion chaplain Fr Peter Kruk, allowed the students plenty of time for prayer, reflection and recreation, as well as all-night adoration, and confessions.

A highlight of the retreat was the talent show, in which students took to the stage to perform for an evening. See some photos of the retreat below.

Thank you to students Joshua Barratt and Ariel Casanova for the photos.