



Committed to the development and formation of our students, the Chaplaincy seeks to provide students with a variety of ways to grow in their Christian life:

Daily Mass: Holy Mass is celebrated on campus and is the high point of the daily life of the College. It is here, each day, that the whole life and mission of the College is brought together and offered to God. Academic Masses and Feasts are celebrated with solemnity, supported by the Campion Schola. Mass is celebrated in the Ordinary and Extraordinary Forms.

Confession: The Sacrament of Reconciliation is regularly available.

Liturgy of the Hours: Parts of the Prayer of the Church are celebrated publicly.

Eucharistic Adoration: The chapel is open all day for the students to come and visit the Lord Jesus present in the Blessed Sacrament. There are scheduled periods of Eucharistic Adoration every week.

Rosary: The rosary is prayed daily by a group of students.

Spiritual Direction: Spiritual direction is available on campus for those students seeking personal spiritual guidance.

Retreats and Talks: Both overnight and afternoon retreats or spiritual reflections are scheduled throughout the year.

Small Faith Communities: Some students are part of small faith communities on campus which offer an appropriate environment for their personal conversion, an opportunity to grow in authentic Christian friendship, faith formation, and which foster apostolic initiative.

Evangelisation Opportunities: The Church is missionary in its nature. For this reason evangelisation must be an essential part of our Christian Life. The Chaplaincy team at Campion seeks to awaken the missionary zeal in the students, and to offer them opportunities to respond to the challenge of the New Evangelisation.

Community Outreach: Aware of the many gifts and blessings that they have received in their lives, students also have the opportunity to give to others in need.