



The study of history is not bound to the distant past, disconnected from the twenty-first century. Instead it is inextricably tied to the present. It informs us about where we are and who we are, and it excites our imagination about what types of societies we could yet aspire to achieve. In this sense, historians get to see the world in which we live in three dimensions; through the past, present and future. We also get to analyse the cultural, political, and religious complexities that inform historical change and shape our societies, helping to sharpen our skills as critical thinkers.

History units at Campion explore the key personalities, events and writings of Western history, beginning with the political and religious settings of ancient Athens and Republican Rome, proceeding to the birth of Christianity and the formation of the Church within the Roman Empire and early Middle Ages, and continuing with the rise of the late medieval institutions in Europe that are foundational to the modern world. Those institutions, including our universities, banks, law courts, scientific societies, and governmental structures, are analysed in studies of the Renaissance, Scientific Revolution, and Enlightenment, providing students with the knowledge, ability and tools to examine and evaluate the modern world and Australia’s place within it.


Studying History at Campion

All students enrolled in the Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Arts (3-years) complete HIS101, HIS102, HIS203 and HIS204 as part of Campion’s core curriculum. Students who wish to graduate with a major in history should choose HIS301, HIS302, HIS303 and HIS304 in third year, thus completing eight history units overall to satisfy the requirement for a major.

Individuals who do not wish to enrol in a full course may enrol in single units as a non-award (for academic credit) or auditing student.


History units on offer

HIS101: Western Societies from Antiquity to the Present
This unit of study presents a broad introduction to the study of history and approaches to historical inquiry in the context of Western history.

HIS102: The Ancient World
This unit explores the emergence and structuring of Western Civilisation, from the Birth of Greek Rationalism to the Crisis of the Roman Republic.

HIS203: The Early Church and the Roman Empire
This unit explores the rise of the early Christian Church from the principate of Augustus to the reign of the emperor Justinian.

HIS204: The Medieval World
This subject presents a survey of the formative era of Christendom, covering the rise of Christian culture after the fall of Rome until the end of the fourteenth century.

HIS301: Topics in Twentieth-Century History
This unit explores major world events in the twentieth century, including the ways in which science, politics and religion interact in a global society.

HIS302: Australian Politics, Culture and Religion since 1788
This unit will examine the historiographical debates regarding Australian history including discussion on multiculturalism and national identity.

HIS303: Humanists and Reformers – The Renaissance
This unit of study explores the Italian humanist movement, the Reformation and Counter-Reformation and the Scientific Revolution.

HIS304: Enlightenment Europe and the Creation of the Modern World
This subject examines the events and writings from late seventeenth century to the early eighteenth century, the so-called Age of Reason.



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