
Board of Trustees

Board of Trustees

Board of Trustees

Rev Deacon Adam Walk

BA (UNSW), BBus (QUT), MA (Cath Intl U), MAppFin (Finsia), PhD (Griff), GCertTheol (Newcastle)

Dr Paul Morrissey

BA (Monash), Dip Ed, Grad Cert R.E. (ACU), BTh (MCD), STL (Lateran), STD (CIS)

Dr Stephen McInerney

Dean of Studies, Associate Professor of Literature
BA Hons (ANU), PhD (Sydney), DipEdSt (CoT, London), DipTh (Cambridge)

Miss Helen Phillips

Director of Operations, Company Secretary
BA, Grad Dip Ed (UoW), Grad Dip Indonesian Studies (CDU), JP

Mr Joseph de Bruyn AO

BAgrSc (Melb)

Mr Raymond Draybi


Mr Edmond O’Donovan

BE (Syd), MS (Minn)

Mr James G. Power

BComm LLB (Qld)

Mr Karl Schmude

BA (USyd), MLitt (UNE), DipLib (UNSW)

Mrs Erica Schuman

BA (Christendom), MCAP (Jansen Newman Institute)

The Hon Zed Seselja

BA LLB (ANU) Grad Dip Legal Practice (ANU) Grad Cert (UC)

Tracey Jane Christie
