
Booked-out Winter Program goes ahead in spite of wet weather

Winter-Program-2022-107. Campion College Australia.
Winter-Program-2022-107. Campion College Australia.
12 Jul 2022

More than 50 high school students and undergraduates braved Sydney's heavy rain last week to attend Campion's much-anticipated Winter Program.

Campion staff were thrilled to be able to host the Winter Program again for the first time since 2019, after having been cancelled twice due to lockdowns.

Participants arrived on Tuesday afternoon and were welcomed to Australia's first liberal arts college, before getting tours around the campus, led by Campion BA students. After dinner, everyone engaged in a high-energy and competitive game of trivia, with the winners getting to pick the film for Wednesday's movie night (Disney's Hercules).

Each morning began with optional Mass in the chapel, followed by breakfast. On Wednesday, participants received a taste of Campion's degree, attending lectures on history, theology, philosophy and classical Latin, as well as a lecture on what a liberal arts education is.

Sport was cancelled due to the wet conditions, but participants had the opportunity to go on a scavenger hunt around campus instead.

The weather stayed dry on Thursday, as everyone packed into a coach headed for the city where they were given free time to wander around the NSW Art Gallery, before heading to Hyde Park for lunch. A visit to St Mary's Cathedral followed, and students were given a short talk about the history of the church by Campion president Dr Paul Morrissey.

After heading back to campus, participants had a couple of hours to rest and freshen up for a mock Formal Hall dinner, where Campion alumna Brianna McKee spoke about her experience as a Campion student and her career since graduating. The night ended with a big bonfire, in which participants chatted and sang songs while snacking on marshmallows, hot chocolate and s'mores.

Everyone woke up to their first sunny day on Friday before attending two more lectures, moral philosophy and literature, followed by a session on studying at Campion. After a final lunch, participants packed up their belongings and said a last goodbye to friends, new and old, and headed home.

For those who were unable to make it to this Winter Program, Campion will be running its annual Summer Program in January 2023 and is accepting expressions of interest.