Alcohol and Drugs Policy
Latest Amendment/Approval Date: April 2021
1. Purpose
1.1 This policy addresses what constitutes appropriate use of alcohol and drugs by staff and students, consistent with legislative requirements.
1.2 The policy also aims to ensure a safe environment for all staff, students, visitors and contractors.
2. Definitions
2.1 Prohibited substances means any substance, such as a drug, that is banned or forbidden by law to either manufacture, sell, purchase, or consume.
2.2 Alcohol means any alcoholic beverage.
2.3 Illicit drug means either: a) substances that are illegal to manufacture, sell, purchase or consume, or b) substances that are legal to purchase, sell and consume when processed in a licensed facility or prescribed by a physician, but become prohibited when misused (ie manufactured, purchased, sold or consumed without license and without a prescription.
2.4 Prescribed medication means any drug, whether prohibited or not, for which use is authorised by a physician.
3. Scope
3.1 This policy applies to all staff and students at Campion.
3.2 For all staff it applies at all times while on College campus.
3.3 For all students it applies while on College campus. However, it also applies if an alleged incident occurs partly or wholly off campus and impacts in any way on College life or the Student Code of Conduct.
3.4 This policy applies for incidents when messages are conveyed on social media or any other form of communication, whether explicitly or implicitly, about the use of alcohol and drugs contrary to this policy.
4. Principles
4.1 The overriding principle to be applied is that it is unacceptable to use prohibited substances on campus or to misuse alcohol, illicit drugs, or prescribed medication.
4.2 The College does not tolerate the illegal possession, cultivation, distribution or consumption of any drug on College premises, when using College equipment, attending a College or student association event, function or activity, or participating in any activity as a representative of the College.
4.3 Consumption of alcohol on campus is a privilege, not a right.
4.4 All persons consuming alcohol on campus are responsible for their own behaviour.
4.5 The College does not condone harassment or other unlawful behaviour that may result from the consumption of alcohol and/or drugs.
4.6 Overall, Campion College is committed to:
a. providing a safe and healthy work and learning environment;
b. promoting a responsible attitude towards the use of alcohol and drugs;
c. minimising alcohol and other drug related harm to the College community, College property and the College’s reputation;
d. meeting its legal responsibilities in relation to the sale and consumption of alcohol on College premises and at College events; and
e. supporting students and staff with alcohol and drug dependency.
5. Policy
5.1 General Principles Concerning the Consumption of Alcohol.
5.1.1 Consumption of alcohol may only occur in accordance with NSW laws relating to the provision of alcohol. In particular, persons under the age of 18 years are not permitted to consume alcohol on campus and other persons are not permitted to serve or provide alcohol to those under the legal drinking age.
5.1.2 The following types of alcohol are permitted to be consumed on campus by staff and students in moderation:
a. Beer (light, mid strength or full strength);
b. Wine; and
c. Commercial pre-mixed spirits
5.1.3 The following types of alcohol are not permitted to be consumed on campus by staff and students:
a. Spirits (other than pre-mixed);
b. Fortified wines (including port and sherry); and
c. Any other beverage with an alcohol content at or above 18%.
5.1.4 Alcohol may only be consumed in the areas designated by the Director of Operations.
5.1.5 Alcohol is not permitted in the residential bedrooms and may only be stored on campus in the manner prescribed by the Director of Operations.
5.1.6 Access to alcohol is restricted to the days and times prescribed by the Director of Operations. Ownership of alcohol is not sufficient reason to gain access outside of these times. The College reserves the right not to provide access to alcohol even within the prescribed times, especially where unforeseen events intervene.
5.1.7 All alcohol served on campus must be served by an authorised individual (Responsible Service of Alcohol Competency Card) mindful of the possible presence of minors.
5.1.8 The brewing or distilling of alcohol is not permitted on campus, including all fermented beverages.
5.1.9 Events organised by the student association that include service of alcohol are not permitted to have BYO.
5.1.10 Failure to observe provisions in this policy may result in one or more of the following:
a. forfeiting ownership of any alcohol remaining on campus;
b. being fined;
c. having the privilege of consuming alcohol on campus removed for a period of time;
d. being banned from consuming alcohol on campus indefinitely;
e. being suspended or excluded from residential accommodation, if applicable;
f. formal disciplinary action being taken in accordance with the Student Misconduct Procedures and Staff Misconduct Procedures
g. Alcohol and drug abuse counselling.
5.2 Use of Drugs
5.2.1 Apart from dugs which are prescribed medication, the manufacture, distribution, or use of illicit drugs is completely unacceptable.
5.2.2 Residential students are also bound by the residential agreement which prohibits any illegal activity of any kind on campus.
5.3 Transgression of Policy
5.3.1 Emergency situations that may arise as a result of misuse of alcohol or drugs should be managed in accordance with the Critical Incident Policy and Procedures.
5.3.2 Any staff or student suspected of being under the influence of alcohol or prohibited substances, or in breach of any of the conditions stated above, may be suspended following an investigation taking place in accordance with the Student Misconduct Procedures and the Staff Misconduct Procedures.
5.3.3 Incidents falling under this policy which constitute potential criminal conduct may be referred by the College directly to the police.
6. Roles and Responsibilities
6.1 It is the responsibility of all staff and students to adhere to this policy and to report cases of misconduct in relation to this policy.
6.2 The Director of Operations is responsible for implementing the specific procedures and guidelines (Appendix A).
6.3 The Senior Residential Tutors are responsible for assisting the Director of Operations with the implementation of the specific procedures and guidelines (Appendix A).
6.4 It is the responsibility of the College Executive Committee to consider misconduct procedures in relation to this policy and in accordance with the misconduct procedures for staff and students.
7. References
7.1 This policy was benchmarked against, and is indebted to:
a. St. John’s College, University of Queensland, Alcohol and Drug Policy for its formatting and clarity of language;
b. Western Sydney University, Alcohol and Drug Control Policy, for its broad coverage of policy detail.
c. Australian Catholic University, Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy, also for its broad coverage of policy detail.
7.2 This policy complies with the requirements of the Work Health and Safety Act 2012, the Work Health and Safety Regulations 2012, and the NSW Liqour Act 2007.
Appendix A – Specific Procedures and Guidelines
Effects of Alcohol
Campion College is concerned about the adverse effects of drinking alcohol. Alcohol impairs judgement, planning, memory and abstract thinking. Heavy drinking has been shown to cause a specific type of brain shrinkage. While inducing confidence, alcohol decreases one’s ability to operate any kind of vehicle, machinery or equipment satisfactorily, or even safely.
Alcohol may reduce one’s tolerance of other people and heighten one’s tendency to behave unacceptably towards them, including in non-violent but nevertheless anti-social ways.
Alcohol is strongly associated with domestic and public violence and with the majority of accidents on the roads, in the home and in the workplace. Alcohol can lower inhibitions about sexual activity.
If a person is under 25 years with a probationary Licence or learner’s permit, any alcohol will put the over the (zero) limit. For all other drivers .05 (g per 100 ml) is the limit. How quickly a person reaches the limit depends on their sex, weight and physique, but a rough guide is as follows:
- For females, more than one standard drink in the first hour and one standard drink per hour afterwards could put them over the legal limit;
- For males, more than two standard drinks in the first hour and one standard drink per hour afterwards could put them over the legal limit.
Storing Alcohol
Alcohol may only be stored in specified storage areas. These will either be a locked cupboard or a refrigerator. Residential Assistants and the SRT are responsible for monitoring the correct use of these areas. When in locked storage, keys to the storage areas will be held by the RAs. Any alcohol brought onto campus by students must be stored as soon as practicable in a designated storage area, unless it is brought onto campus during a period permissible for the consumption of alcohol on campus.
Access to Alcohol
Access to alcohol will be permitted during the following times:
i. Fridays between 5.30pm and 10.30pm;
ii. Saturdays and Sundays between 12pm and 10.30pm;
The Director of Operations and Coordinator of Campus (SRT) will consider requests to allow access to alcohol for specific events outside of these times. The Director of Operations and SRT reserve the right to vary the hours and days for access to alcohol or the designated areas for consumption of alcohol by students at his/her discretion.
Where the Director of Operations and Campus Manager are unavailable the request must go through the President. An authorised staff member will unlock the storage areas during these times. Students requiring access to stored alcohol will be required to transport the alcohol they wish to be consumed to an area designated for consumption of alcohol by students. These areas are:
i. Rear deck,
ii. Café,
iii. Dining room,
iv. Quadrangle grass,
v. Common Room (including residential houses common areas),
vi. Designated smoking area,
vii. Courtyard,
viii. Other designated events areas (authorised by the Director of Operations and the SRT).
Limit on Alcohol Consumed
The Australian Alcohol Guidelines state the following:
- For healthy men and women, drinking no more than two standard drinks on any day reduces the lifetime risk of harm from alcohol-related disease or injury.
- For healthy men and women, drinking no more than four standard drinks on a single occasion reduces the risk of alcohol-related injury arising from that occasion. Standard drink sizes should not be confused with the size of the container the alcoholic drink comes in. For example, a beer may be served in a bottle that is equivalent to
1.4 standard drinks. In this instance, more than three such bottles would put an individual above the guidelines. The student Residential Assistants and staff members are not expected to actively police consumption of alcohol by students; however they may report any student suspected of not following the provisions of the policy.
Drug and Alcohol Addiction
Students and staff experiencing problems with drug or alcohol addiction are encouraged to seek professional assistance. The College recommends the following locations for help and advice:
- especially:
- National Alcohol and other Drug Hotline: 1800 250 015