
Support for Students Policy

Support for Students Policy


Support for Students Policy

Latest Amendment/Approval Date: April 2024

1. Purpose

1.1. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that students at risk of failing to pass their units of study are identified and properly supported to complete their units.

2. Definitions

2.1. For the purpose of this policy, the following definitions apply:

At Risk means a student who is susceptible to failing a unit of study.

Faculty refers to academic staff.

Referral means an enrolment status, motivated by a failed unit of study or assessment item, identifying the student as ‘at risk’.

SASH means Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment

3. Scope

3.1. This policy applies to all academic staff and student support staff.

3.2. Student support includes all students, undergraduate and postgraduate.


4. Principles

4.1. All students are entitled to receive the support required to succeed in their studies, regardless of their personal circumstances and background.

4.2. The College must have the policies, procedures, and practices in place to identify students in need of support and to offer that support.


5. Policy

5.1. Admissions (CCA Admission Policy): Campion College is committed to allowing entry to applicants who demonstrate the capacity and willingness to succeed in a course. The capacity of all students to succeed at Campion is evaluated through an interview and written statement. New students are also prepared for their studies via measures outlined in the CCA Student Transition Policy, from the moment of their enrolment to their commencement in Orientation Week and the first term of their first Semester.

5.2 Commencing students’ proficiency: All students commencing undergraduate study at Campion are required, during Orientation Week, to sit an Entry-Level Proficiency Test, which may consist of a brief comprehension exercise and/or thinking skills test. Students who are identified as ‘at risk’, are invited for a consultation with either the Dean of Studies or Associate Dean. The consultation is to determine whether the student requires additional support and to recommend a plan for succeeding in their first semester. At risk indicators in the test include:

  • Very poor grammar or spelling.
  • Very brief response to the question.
  • Very poor handwriting.
  • Failure to understand the question.

5.2.1 Students identified as at risk, who are not already enrolled in the Study Skills unit and been put in touch with the Study Skills Advisor, are made aware again of the College’s available services, including Study Skills Advice, Peer Mentoring, Study Spaces, Academic mentoring, and any requirements arising from their performance on the Proficiency Test.

5.3 Identifying students at risk during the semester:

5.3.1 Prior to Census date, commencing undergraduate students are provided with a short diagnostic assessment task in one or more of their units of study. This is done to provide all students with a familiarity of the level of assessed knowledge and ability they will require to succeed in the course. Outcomes from this early assessment, and approaches to students at risk, are also discussed by faculty prior to Census date (See 5.3.2)

5.3.2 During faculty meetings, staff identify students who have either a poor attendance record, or failed an assessment task, or exhibited little interest and disruptive behaviour in class. Depending on the students’ enrolment status and personal history, the Dean of Studies develops a specific approach, which may include one or more of the following measures:

  • Inviting the student for a consultation.
  • Requesting a member of the faculty invite the student for a consultation.
  • Change a students’ enrolment status to Referral (See 5.4)

5.4. Additional support may include, but is not limited to:

  • Academic mentoring by a suitable member of the faculty;
  • One or more scheduled consultations with the Study Skills Advisor, either recommended or mandated;
  • Attendance at Study Skills workshops, either recommended or compulsory.

5.5 Academic Progression (CCA Academic Progression Policy & Procedures):

  • Students who fail one unit of study in a semester may be moved to a Referral enrolment status. This requires students to contact the Dean of Studies or Associate Dean of Studies prior to the commencement of semester to discuss their academic performance and devise a plan for the semester ahead. Depending on individual students’ circumstances, the Dean or Associate Dean may recommend one of the measures listed under 5.4.
  • Students who demonstrate signs of struggling during the semester may be placed on Referral status by the Dean of Studies and be required to undertake one of the measures listed under 5.4.

5.6 Consultation with faculty: each faculty member will have consultation hours advertised in unit outlines and contact information for students seeking additional support. Faculty deliver support to students in relation to their units of study through advice on assessment tasks ahead of the submission date, feedback on completed assessment tasks and the provision of materials, notes, reading lists and unit outlines that support class content and provide clear guidelines on assessment requirements and due dates.

5.7 Special Consideration (CCA Special Consideration Policy) all students are entitled to apply for Special Consideration based on medical or personal circumstances, including a certified and disclosed physical disability; depression or mental health issues; a learning difficulty; chronic illness; or longstanding family issues.

5.8 Depending on the specific circumstances and professional advice, Special Consideration may include one or more of the following measures:

  • Additional time for completing assessment items;
  • Different conditions for completing an oral presentation or exam;
  • Additional support staff or resources for research and writing.

5.9 Crisis Support and Non-Academic Support:

5.9.1 Students who encounter psychological challenges or are affected by family, domestic or gender-based violence, harassment, sexual harm or other traumatic events that impede their academic progress, are encouraged to seek counselling support provided on campus and via external agencies, as preferred by the student.

5.9.2 Students who report non-academic issues that may put them at risk of not successfully completing their units of study, in addition to any Assignment Extensions or Special Consideration provisions provided for their benefit, will be connected (via email) to the Study Skills Advisor and reminded of the College’s available Support for Student services.

5.9.3 Critical emergencies are handled efficiently and confidentially under the CCA Critical Incident Policy. The College’s policy framework for cases of misconduct, also includes non-academic grievance procedures (CCA Non-Academic Grievance and Complaints Procedures), and sexual assault and harassment responses (CCA Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Policy & Procedures).

5.9.4 Should students experience trauma because of circumstances beyond their control and are medically required to seek concessions for their study deadlines, they are encouraged to apply for Special Consideration (See 5.6)

5.9.5 In the provision of the College’s academic and non-academic support services, the College will invite students to identify any cultural and/or religious traditions and commitments, which may include a student’s status as a member of the Indigenous community, the awareness of which will enable the College to provide support that is sensitive to the particular cultural and/or religious sensibilities of the students concerned.

5.10 Study Spaces: Recognising that each student thrives in different study spaces and conditions, the College is committed to providing 24-hour study rooms in different environments; private study rooms in the library; ample desk space in the library; and casual public spaces around campus.

5.11 Student Life Office and Peer Support: The College’s Student Life Office offers a range of academic supports for students. These include guidance on Timetable Management and Monthly Planning, Study Hall events for all students, and the Peer Mentoring Program (PMP). The PMP matches senior students with commencing students at the start of the year, encouraging new students to find moral and academic support from more experienced peers with similar backgrounds.

5.12 Financial Need (CCA Bursaries and Scholarships Policy): Students experiencing financial difficulties inhibiting their ability to fulfill their potential in their studies, have the ability to request financial aid from the College.

5.13 Underage Students (CCA Underage Student Management Policy): The College fulfills its duty of care and responsibilities concerning students below the legal age with respect to their welfare, learning and student experience.


6. Roles and Responsibilities

6.1. All faculty must be familiar with the relevant policies relating to students’ academic support and progress.

6.2. All professional staff assisting with the processes outlined in this policy must be familiar with its implementation. This includes admissions staff, library staff, Study Skills Advisor, Counsellor, Chaplaincy, SASH Officer, and Student Life Officer.

6.3. The Student Wellbeing Team, consisting of professional and academic staff is responsible for monitoring students’ access to non-academic support.

6.4. The Dean of Studies is responsible for monitoring each aspect of this policy’s implementation, including all associated policies and procedures.

6.5. All errors and opportunities for improvement must be identified in annual reviews of this policy, including allocation of additional resources, when necessary.