Dr Paul Morrissey

Dr Paul Morrissey

Dr Paul Morrissey

Lecturer in Theology
BA (Monash), Dip Ed,
Grad Cert R.E. (ACU), BTh (MCD),
STL (Lateran), STD (CIS)



Paul Morrissey became president of Campion College in 2015 after a career teaching theology and religious studies at university and high school. After completing his Licentiate in Sacred Theology at the Lateran University in Rome and his Doctorate at the Catholic Institute in Sydney, Paul taught systematic and moral theology at the University of Notre Dame for eight years. He has published numerous papers in New Blackfriars, Nova et Vetera, Logos and Solidarity.


  • (2017) Mariology at the Beginning of the Third Millennium (Theology at the Beginning of the Third Millennium), eds. Kevin Wagner, M. Isabell Naumann, Peter John McGregor, Paul Morrissey (Eugene, Pickwick Publications)


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