Non-award Study

Non-award Study

Non-award Study

Applications may be made to Campion College for admission as a non-award student in order to undertake units of study from an award course without enrolling in the course itself.

Non-award students are required to make application for each teaching period in which they wish to study. An application for admission as a non-award student may be rejected if the applicant does not have an educational background (including English proficiency) appropriate to the unit/s applied for, or if there are insufficient places remaining in the class.


Non-award study (for academic credit)

  • Attend lectures and tutorials
  • Complete all assignments
  • Receive an academic transcript upon completion of a unit

This is the perfect option for individuals seeking to receive academic credit for Campion College units. Such credit may later be applied towards a full Campion College course or a course at another institution, subject to institutional credit transfer/recognition of prior learning policies.

Students undertaking non-award study (for academic credit) must pay tuition fees up-front ($2,195 per unit) as FEE-HELP is not available under this status.


Cross-institutional studies

Incoming cross-institutional enrolment is when a student is enrolled in a course at another institution (referred to as their ‘home’ institution) and wishes to enrol in a unit of study at Campion College. Such individuals should enrol in non-award study (for academic credit) (see above) in order to receive an academic transcript for their Campion College units. However, cross-institutional students should be advised that credit for their Campion College units towards their course at their home institution is not guaranteed. Cross-institutional students are strongly advised to speak to their home institution before enrolling at Campion College. Campion College is not able to advise on the credit transfer/recognition of prior learning policies of other institutions.


Non-award study (auditing)

  • Attend lectures only
  • May be permitted to attend tutorials with the written approval of the Dean of Studies
  • Are not required to complete assignments
  • Do not receive an academic transcript upon completion of a unit

Students attend classes as an observer, learning from but not actively participating in the classroom experience. This is the perfect for option for individuals who wish to enrich their mind out of person interest without seeking formal recognition for their studies.

Auditing students must pay reduced tuition fees up-front ($1097.50 per unit) as FEE-HELP is not available under this status.


Next steps

If you wish to enrol in non-award study, click here to view our unit outlines. Once you have chosen your unit(s) of study, please complete the form below.

Non-award Study Application Form

Students already enrolled in a Campion College degree who wish to audit a unit may do so with permission from the Unit Coordinator and the Dean of Studies. Please complete the Application to Audit Form.