Become a Mentor

Become a Mentor

Become a Mentor

The Campion CONNECTions Mentoring Program provides the opportunity for Campion alumni to mentor current Campion students as they explore their career, study and other options post-Campion.

By being available to share your experience and offer guidance you will make an important contribution to our Campion community. We hope that joining this program will also be a rewarding experience for you – professionally and personally.


What’s involved?

Campion CONNECTions will run in alignment with the academic year. You will be required to undertake a minimum of 3 meetings (face-to-face or via an online platform) within a 5-month timeframe, either March-July (Semester 1) or (August-December (Semester 2). The mentor and mentee may elect to extend the mentorship after this time.

At the first meeting with your mentee, you will need to agree on a mentoring schedule and objectives. Objectives could include creating a career plan, discussing future study options, reviewing the mentee’s resume/CV, providing advice on interview techniques, expanding professional networks or job shadowing/internship arrangements.


Benefits for mentors:

  • Broadening professional networks and connections
  • Developing coaching and mentoring skills
  • Playing an active role in helping students/graduates in a challenging transition time
  • Using your skills, experience and knowledge to make a real difference in the life of another individual

I have had a great experience participating in Campion’s mentoring program. Discussing further education and career goals, as well as sharing insights on my post Campion career journey and learning more about my mentee’s skills and experiences, was rewarding and a genuine highlight. We were also fortunate enough to be able to arrange a visit to my workplace in Canberra, where I was able to take them on a tour of our offices, discuss specifically my current roles and the opportunities available within my agency, and set up conversations with my colleagues who worked in areas of specific interest.

I would really encourage all alumni to consider participating in the program: it is a great way to give back to the College.

Campion-Graduate-Siobhan-Reeves-e1580191063687. Campion College Australia.
Siobhan Reeves
Class of 2011
Current Board Member

Register to Become a Mentor


The Alumni Relations Officer will be in contact when a mentee has been matched to you. At this point, you will formalise your commitment by signing the mentoring agreement at your first meeting/interaction. Matching will be subject to the number of students who express interest in the program and whether students align with your areas of experience/profile. If we are not able to match you immediately, we thank you in advance for your patience and hope to match you in the near future.


Find out more

Contact Tony Mattar, Alumni Relations Officer
(02) 9896 9314 |