Campion partners with local organisations to launch Parramatta Professionals Forum

18 May 2021

Campion College Australia, McAuley Hawach Lawyers and Blueprint Property have partnered to launch the Parramatta Professionals Forum.

Executives at the tertiary liberal arts college, law firm and real estate agency hope the Forum will provide a space to contribute to the public debate, open up opportunities for dialogue with government and help deepen ties with like-minded professionals from the Parramatta area.

The first forum, hosted on Friday 14 May at El-Phoenician Restaurant in Parramatta, welcomed State Member for Prospect, Dr. Hugh McDermott MP, as guest speaker.

Dr McDermott addressed the controversial Voluntary Assisted Dying NSW bill, asking whether euthanasia in NSW is around the corner. He shared his personal experiences of watching his father die after battling cancer and said the NSW Parliament should defend the sanctity of human life and not fall into the trap of permitting state-sanctioned suicide.

After the presentation, Dr McDermott responded to questions. Guests welcomed the opportunity to engage with an important issue whilst networking and nurturing relationships with other professionals in the community.

The next Parramatta Professionals Forum will be held on Friday 13 August. Dr John Fahey, author of Australia’s First Spies, will be the guest speaker.

If you are interested in attending or learning more about the Parramatta Professionals Forum, please contact Yvette or Marlyn.


Group shot

L-R Steve McAuley (McAuley Hawach Lawyers), Dr Hugh McDermott (Member for Prospect), Lebba Khater (Blueprint Properties), Dr Paul Morrissey and Yvette Nehme (Campion College).