Classics Week goes ahead despite rainy weather

Classics Week Edited-9
Classics Week Edited-9
08 Apr 2022

Despite the ongoing rain in Sydney, the annual Classics Week took place at Campion last week.

Classical 'Olympics' took place every day at lunch, as well as a Trojan war-themed debate, wrapping up with a toga party on Saturday.

Third-year student Isabelle Lindsay and second-year Julian Vieira took the laurels for the women's and men's sprints on Monday. Tuesday saw a particularly muddy sock wrestling competition, followed by the gladiatorial paperbash contest on Wednesday.

The Debating and Classics societies teamed up on Thursday for a lunchtime debate on the subject, 'that Helen was to blame for the Trojan War', adjudicated by Latin and Ancient Greek professor Thomas Flynn. The negative team was victorious.

The week rounded up with 'chariot' racing on Friday, followed by the annual toga party.