Campion currently permits students enrolled in the Bachelor of Arts in the Liberal Arts to study overseas and to have these studies counted towards their degree, normally for a one semester maximum. Interested students should note that overseas study is not a constituent part of the Campion degree; it is an option where all arrangements are the responsibility of the student. Arrangements for international travel should be commenced early to receive necessary approvals, including student visas.
Approval for any units of study undertaken at overseas tertiary institutions must be given by the Dean of Studies or the Associate Dean of Studies prior to commencement. If the unit(s) of study content does not closely correlate to Campion unit(s) of study, the unit(s) may not be recognised as equivalent. In this instance, the Campion unit(s) of study will still need to be completed.
Overseas studies can be undertaken either as Study Abroad or Exchange. The difference between the two options is primarily based upon where fees are paid and how results are recorded.
Exchange is the recommended method and it is undertaken normally with partner institutions where
Campion has an exchange agreement. Participants enrol in the standard Campion units of study and pay tuition fees to Campion. They choose units of study at the overseas institution that closely match the Campion units of study. The results are recorded on the transcript as “EXCH”, indicating a passing grade achieved through an exchange program. Actual marks and grades can be shown through provision of the academic transcript received from the other institution.
Exchange students continue to enjoy their entitlement to Campion scholarships/bursaries while overseas.
Study abroad
Study Abroad can be undertaken either with institutions with which Campion has an agreement or any other institution selected by the student. Tuition fees are paid to the overseas institution and units of study closely matching the corresponding Campion units of study are selected. Results are recognised on the transcript as “RPL”, indicating a passing grade achieved through Recognition of Prior Learning. Actual marks and grades can be shown through provision of the academic transcript received from the other institution.
Study Abroad students lose their entitlement to Campion scholarships/bursaries.
Next steps
Further information regarding overseas study can be obtained from the Dean’s Office. Please contact the Associate Dean of Studies to discuss your overseas study options.