Academic Progression Policy and Procedures

Academic Progression Policy and Procedures


Academic Progression Policy and Procedures

Latest Amendment/Approval Date: September 2022

1. Purpose

To establish the principles and processes for:

  • Formally identifying students at risk of not completing their coursework;
  • Providing such students with appropriate learning support.

2. Scope

This policy applies to all domestic and international undergraduate students and the staff involved in the administration, assessment and support of students.

3. Principles

At Campion, the pursuit of academic excellence by Faculty and students is a primary  focus. The educational philosophy at Campion emphasises optimising potential, by
means of small class sizes and a focus upon the development of the individual. The formation of the whole person across academic, spiritual and student life activities is
an important element of the Campion experience. Accordingly, the early identification and support of students at risk of not progressing through their studies is important to the College.

4. Policy and Procedures

4.1 The primary mechanism for the identification of ‘at risk’ students is through the progression statuses of ‘referral’ and ‘probation’. While this is the primary mechanism and relates to academic support, it is noted that other factors may be the source of, or exist in addition to, behaviours or learning difficulties that result in identification of a student as being ‘at risk’. In line with the College’s aim for the formation of the whole person, strategies to support students in other areas need to be considered.

4.2 Referral Progression Status

4.2.1 A student may be placed on a progression status of ‘referral’ by either the Dean of Studies or the Board of Examiners if concerns arise regarding their progress.

4.2.2 A student may be placed on referral by the Dean of Studies at any stage during a semester.

4.2.3 Commencing students in their first semester of enrolment in an award course are to be monitored especially closely for their suitability to the coursework. Measures for monitoring first-year students may include:

  • Setting early formative assessment tasks in 100-level units.
  • Assessing performance of a proficiency test during orientation week.
  • Monitoring attendance records carefully in the weeks prior to census date.

4.2.4 The following are examples of triggers for the Dean of Studies or the Board of Examiners to consider placing a student on a progression status of ‘referral’:

  • unsatisfactory attendance, or poor attendance patterns
  • a history of late submission of assessment items
  • low level of participation in class
  • receiving a fail grade in 50% of the credit points for a semester
  • a pattern of failing grades across semesters that are insufficient to trigger probationary status
  • entry to the degree through Provisional Status (See CCA Admissions Policy)
  • advice from a member of the Faculty regarding concerns for a student
  • advice from the Student Life Team regarding concerns for a student’s welfare. Note that students may be referred to the Study Skills Advisor or an academic
    mentor without being placed on ‘referral’ status.

4.2.4 Students placed on referral will be required to meet with the Dean of Studies and/or the Associate Dean to discuss their progress, identify problems, plan for improving results, and seek approval for future enrolment. They may also be required to attend sessions with the Study Skills Advisor for an agreed period and/or program.

4.2.5 Referral status expires at the end of the semester.

4.2.6 Referral status is not linked to the determination of probation or exclusion status.

4.3 Probationary Progression Status

4.3.1 The Dean of Studies must place a student undertaking an award course on a progression status of probationary enrolment if the student:

a) Passes less than 50% of the credit points which the student has attempted in a single semester;

b) Fails the same unit of study, or its equivalent, two times.

4.3.2 The Dean of Studies determines the students to be placed on probationary status with the advice of the Board of Examiners.

4.3.3 The Dean of Studies must notify a student in writing of the decision to place the student on probationary enrolment. The prescribed period for assessing unsatisfactory academic performance is:

a) Every semester for students enrolled in at least the minimum fulltime load for a semester.

b) Every two semesters for a student enrolled in less than the minimum full time load for a semester.

4.3.4 A student is placed on probationary enrolment for a maximum of 12 months (two consecutive semesters). If, after two consecutive semesters, a student continues to qualify for Probation, they will automatically be Excluded.

4.3.5 While on probationary enrolment, a student must:

a) consult the Dean of Studies about their enrolment program; and

b) if the Dean of Studies specifies an enrolment program, submit the enrolment program as specified.

4.3.6 If, after only one semester enrolled in a course, students qualify for Probation, they will be required to show good cause why they should be permitted to reenrol in the course. This must be done in writing. Good cause means:

a) circumstances beyond the reasonable control of a student, which may include serious ill health or misadventure, but does not include demands of employers, pressure of employment or time devoted to extra-curricular activities; and

b) reasonable prospects of meeting progression requirements in the following. They should also demonstrate steps that the student has taken, or will take in the future, to address the circumstances that have negatively affected their studies.

4.4 Exclusion Status

A student who is on Probation for two consecutive semesters and who has passed less than 50% of the credit points attempted in a single semester, will be excluded
from the College. The student’s progress is such that they are unlikely to complete their course and are required to seek re-admission to the College at the end of the
exclusion period.

The student is excluded from the College for a period of 12 months (two semesters) and must re-apply for admission if they wish to complete their studies. The student is
encouraged to seek appropriate support to develop an action plan to help them get back on track, if re-admitted to the course. If they wish to return to the College following a period of exclusion, the student must lodge an application for readmission. A student may not apply to study another course at the College during the period of exclusion.

4.5 Supporting ‘At Risk’ Students

Students identified as ‘at risk’ and placed on either ‘referral or ‘probation’ progression status may be supported through:

  • Provision of information regarding academic progression requirements
  • Periodic meetings to discuss progress and issues affecting performance with the Dean of Studies and/or Associate Dean
  • The services of the Study Skills Advisor
  • Spiritual counselling provided by the Chaplaincy Team
  • Referral to medical practitioners
  • Referral to formal counsellors

Students who are referred to the Study Skills Advisor have an obligation to attend as many sessions as requested. A Monthly Academic Progress Report will be completed by the Study Skills Advisor and sent to the Dean’s Office. The Report will be stored in the Student’s personal file.

5 Roles and Responsibilities

5.1 It is the responsibility of all students to demonstrate their suitability for the completion of the course.

5.2 It is the responsibility of all academic staff to monitor students’ performance and alert the Dean or the Associate Dean to students at risk.

5.3 It is the responsibility of the Dean of Studies to monitor the implementation of this policy.

6 References

6.1 Higher Education Standards Act 2003

6.2 Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021, Domain 1

6.3 Coursework Policy 2021, University of Sydney

6.4 Academic Progression Policy, Macquarie University