
Assessment Policy and Procedure

Assessment Policy and Procedure


Assessment Policy and Procedure

Latest Amendment/Approval Date: September 2023

1. Purpose

1.1 This policy is intended to guide the assessment of student learning at Campion College. Its purpose is to assist academic staff in conducting assessment and to provide principles for both staff and students that support the development of meaningful, valid, reliable and fair assessment.

2. Definitions

2.1 Academic Integrity means maintaining ethical, honest and responsible academic standards. This means avoidance of plagiarism and cheating in all assessment items completed by students and in research presentations and publications by academic staff.

2.2 Assessment means the process whereby student competency is determined, feedback is given to students on their progress and grades are awarded. It should be considered in the broadest sense and may include both summative and formative assessment. Assessment is an overarching term and includes things such as tests, essays, papers, examinations, reports, exhibitions, performances, presentations, demonstrations and other work whether written or otherwise.

2.3 Formative Assessment means an item used by instructors to improve their teaching and by students to improve their learning. Formative assessments may be short submissions or tests with low or no value for the overall mark.

2.4 Grade means a broad descriptor of the student’s performance in an individual assessment task and for the overall unit of study.

2.5 Lecturer/Assessor means an academic staff member responsible for teaching and marking in a unit of study.

2.6 Marking Criteria means the set of standards relevant to each assessment task, by which a lecturer/assessor determines and communicates the grade.

2.7 Self-motivation means an ability to complete tasks, including assessment items, independently.

2.8 Summative Assessment means an item used by instructors to evaluate students’ learning against the units’ learning outcomes. Summative assessments may be research essays, oral presentations, or exams.

2.9 Supplementary assessment means a new item of assessment designed to give students an additional opportunity to demonstrate their satisfactory attainment of specific learning outcomes specified in the unit outline.

2.10 Unit of Study Coordinator (or Unit Coordinator) means an academic staff member appointed by the Dean of Studies to coordinate the delivery and assessment of a unit of study.

3. Scope

3.1 This policy applies to all units of study and courses at Campion College.

4. Principles

4.1 The forms of assessment used throughout Campion College are diverse and vary according to academic discipline. The methods of assessment should demonstrate an appropriateness to a unit of study’s learning outcomes and graduate attributes.

4.2 Assessment enables students to meet academic requirements and is in itself an aid to successful learning, including the application of critical analysis and communication skills.

4.3 Assessment at Campion College is based on the general principle of criterion-based assessment, with students’ work assessed against stated marking criteria that reflect the learning outcomes of the unit of study. Grades are based on a student’s level of performance in achieving stated learning outcomes (criterion-referenced assessment), not on the number of other students who achieve a particular grade (norm-referenced assessment).

4.4 Student learning will be more effective and enjoyable if basic principles of good academic practice are followed. These include the following:

a) Academic integrity (See CCA Student Academic Integrity Policy)

Academic integrity involves a good measure of trust between students, and between students and academic staff.

Cheating, whether in the form of plagiarism, bringing unauthorised material into exams, submitting misleading requests for alternative exams or special consideration, or any other form, is a breach of this trust. Cheating also diminishes the aims and value of students’ studies. In certain courses, this may have serious consequences for public health and safety.

Students should also be aware that cheating diminishes the good reputation of the College. The continuing value of a Campion College award in the opinions of potential employers, other institutions and the community at large depends on Campion College maintaining its reputation as a College that has utterly reliable credentials.

b) Self-motivation and commitment to learning

In general, there is an emphasis at tertiary level on developing independent learning skills, understanding ideas, and interacting critically with material. Tertiary education requires a level of self-motivation from students and the onus is on students to complete the requirements of each unit of study. This demands reasonably high levels of personal discipline, self-motivation and organisation.

c) Awareness of requirements

Students must be fully informed of all aspects of the assessment requirements in each unit of study. Students need to be very clear about what is required in each unit of study. These requirements are provided in unit of study outlines that are given to students at the beginning of each semester. Any changes to that outline must be clearly communicated.

d) Participation

At Campion, the goal of marking class participation is, as Bean and Peterson put it, to “send positive signals to students about the kind of learning and thinking an instructor values, such as growth in critical thinking, active learning, development of listening and speaking skills needed for career success, and the ability to join a discipline’s conversation” (Bean & Peterson, 1998, 33). Therefore, when students are explicitly called upon to participate in scholarly discussion in a classroom, the unit co-ordinator is entitled to include a participation mark which will be a measure of the student’s level of success in this activity.

e) Respecting the rights of others

All students have the right to:

(i) express their views with consideration of others and have the expression of these views respected;

(ii) attend classes that are free from harassment, intimidation, discrimination or unnecessary interruption;

(iii) expect that resources such as computing and library facilities will be available to them, during designated hours, and not be misused or monopolised by other students.

f) Seeking timely help from appropriate sources

All academic staff and student services should be available to students—at appropriate times—for consultation and assistance with the successful completion of assessment tasks.

5. Policy

5.1 Assessment Patterns

5.1.1 The learning outcomes in a unit of study should be assessed through several tasks so students have a number of opportunities to demonstrate their learning. Assessment tasks should be of different types appropriate to the unit of study discipline and explicitly reflect the learning outcomes listed in the unit of study outline.

5.1.2 Assessment may include both formative and summative assessment. While selection of the type and number of assessment tasks is at the unit of study coordinator’s discretion, assessment should be weighted appropriately for each level of study (See Item 5.4 )

5.1.3 The time needed to complete the assessment tasks should be appropriate to the overall time commitment that learners are expected to allocate to the unit of study.

5.2 Unit of Study Outlines

5.2.1 A unit of study outline is an official document that represents an understanding between Campion College and the students undertaking a unit of study. Teaching and assessment in the unit of study needs to be conducted as specified in the unit of study outline. All students must be provided with the unit of study outline no later than the first week in which the unit commences, or the equivalent in block for other modes of delivery (eg. Intensive Winter or Summer sessions).

5.2.2 The Unit of Study Outline must contain the following information:

a. Administrative arrangements which will support the delivery of the course, including the name and contact details of the unit coordinator and other staff;

b. The assessment schedule;

c. The weighting of each assessment item towards the final unit grade;

d. Details about the format and requirements of each assessment item, and its relation to the unit of study learning outcomes and the course graduate attributes;

e. Specific information concerning assessment items;

f. Referencing style to be used;

g. Arrangements and timelines for submitting assessment items;

h. Instructions concerning the submission of assessment items;

i. Penalties concerning late submissions;

j. Marking criteria for assessments;

k. Information concerning the exam (e.g. format; duration)

l. Conditions regarding extensions to assessment items due dates;

m. Conditions under which supplementary assessments may be granted and whether supplementary assessment is available;

n. Instructions concerning academic integrity;

5.2.3 The assessment details in the unit of study outline may not be changed after distribution, except under exceptional circumstances and in consultation with the students concerned and the Dean of Studies

5.3 Assessment Items: Types of Assessment
Assessment items are the single components of an assessment pattern. There are many types of assessment strategies that can be used to design assessment items, including, but not limited to:

  • Essays, reports and dissertations
  • Book reviews
  • Disputations
  • Memorisation tasks
  • Close reading of texts
  • Debates
  • Individual and group oral presentations
  • Written Examinations, including multiple choice questions, short answer questions, open book, closed book.
  • Oral examinations
  • Practical Assignments
  • Reading Responses

5.4 Assessment Items: Study loads, Weightings and Equivalence

Each assessment task must be clearly and unambiguously weighted in proportion to the level of the unit of study, the type of assessment, and the length of the task. The following guidelines are to be applied flexibly.

5.4.1 The following table provides a guide to the expected study loads undertaken at different undergraduate and postgraduate levels, expressed in total words.


Undergraduate 100-Level Undergraduate 200-Level Undergraduate 300-Level Postgrad (Cert/Dip/Masters)
3500-4500 words 4000-5000 words 4500-5500 words 4000-6000 words


5.4.2 Normally a number of assessment tasks would be undertaken in each unit of study that can be converted to an approximate equivalent in word length. Suggested equivalences per 1000 words appear in the table below.


Assessment Type 1000 word equivalent
Written reports: Reading Responses, Book Reviews, Disputations 1000 words
Written Examination 1 hour
Oral Presentation (per individual)* 15 minutes
Oral Examination (per individual)* 20 minutes
Debates (per individual) 15 minutes
In-class Tests# 1 hour


*Oral presentations and exams consisting of more than one student should be of an equivalent length. For example, an oral exam consisting of three students should go for one hour. An oral presentation with two students should go for 30 minutes. Oral presentations and exams could, of course, be shorter. In such circumstances, the equivalence is adapted accordingly (eg. 10 minute oral exam = 500 words).

# In-class tests may vary in purpose and format. As such, unit coordinators should take a flexible approach to this equivalency.


5.4.3 Each summative assessment task must have a percentage weighting towards the overall mark for the unit. For example, a major essay may be worth 40% of the overall mark. When determining this weighting, unit coordinators must consider the length of the assessment task and an approximate proportion to other assessment tasks. The Dean of Studies must monitor the equivalency of these weightings across units. The following table provides a guide based on common examples:


Assessment Type Length Weighting
Major Essay  2000 words 30%
Minor Essay 1500 words 20%
Oral Presentation 15 minutes 15%
Written Examination 2 hours 30%
Oral Examination 15 minutes (per individual) 15%


5.4.4 Tutorial Participation usually occurs over 12 hours of the 36 scheduled contact hours. In senior or intensive classes, this may be doubled to 24 hours. In either case, unit co-ordinators may have the expectation that students prepare for tutorial by reading the assigned materials and considering the topic carefully. To measure a student’s commitment to this task, unit co-ordinators may provide a tutorial participation mark aligned with a marking rubric. Twelve hours of tutorials will typically be weighted at 10%. However, unit co-ordinators may vary the weighting in consultation with the Dean of Studies.

5.4.5 Assessments in the Diploma of Classical Languages units are weighted according to the expected length of time it will take to complete. The time includes both preparation in class as well as (for take-home assessments) the time taken to complete the assessment outside of class. Under these circumstances, these are guides for the weighting of assessment items in languages:

• 5-7 hours preparation: 10% – 15%
• 8-11 hours preparation: 20% – 25%
• 12-16 hours preparation: 30% – 35%
• 17-21 hours preparation: 45% – 50%

The number of hours is given in a range. In general, the more advanced classes will be weighted in the higher limits of the range.


5.5 Variations to Assessments

5.5.1 Assessment methods, assessment tasks and submission dates must be specified in the unit of study outlines. These may be varied during the semester only with the authorization of the Dean of Studies and/or Academic Board. Students must be notified in writing promptly and in advance of any changes to assessment methods, assessment items and submission dates.

5.5.2 Students are expected to complete the assessment requirements of the course as indicated in the unit of study outline within the prescribed study period unless a variation applies. A variation includes:

5.5.3 Extensions

Students may request an extension to the submission date for completing an assessment task on the basis of medical or compassionate grounds, or exceptional and unanticipated circumstances beyond the control of the student. Examples of such circumstances include:

  • Sudden illness;
  • Re-occurrence of a chronic illness;
  • An accident;
  • A death or serious illness of a close family member;
  • A severe disruption to domestic arrangements;
  • Being the victim of a crime;
  • Community service (e.g. jury duty; unforeseen call to the Australian Defence Force or State Emergency Service);
  • A summons to appear in court;
  • A minor vehicle accident on the day of the examination;
  • Training/sporting/rehearsing/performing commitments for elite athletes and performing artists;

Students who wish to apply for an extension must discuss this with the unit of study coordinator and lodge an application for extension (Extension Request Form), with supporting documentation. Such documentation may include a medical certificate, letter from a third party (eg family member), or legal documentation (eg court  summons) able to verify the reasons for the extension request.

5.5.4 Special Consideration

Students may apply for Special Consideration if they are unable to complete assessment tasks as set out in unit outlines, due to extenuating circumstances. These include, but are not restricted to:

  • A certified and disclosed physical disability;
  • Depression or mental health issues;
  • A learning difficulty;
  • Chronic illness; or
  • Longstanding family issues.

Students must submit a Special Consideration Request Form with accompanying documentation, to the Dean’s Office. The Dean or the Associate Dean may request that this documentation contain guidance from a medical expert or close family member regarding the measures most likely to assist the student so that they face no disadvantage in their learning and assessment.

Students with special considerations will be entitled to the variations stipulated by the Dean’s Office in relation to their specific case as specified by the CCA Special Consideration Policy. The following variations are applicable:

a. Deferred assessment (See Item 5.6)

b. Supplementary assessment or examination (See Item 5.7)

c. Extra time for reading and writing. This will normally be an extra 15 minutes per hour for every hour of standard examination time; and

d. The eventual use of electronic equipment, such as a laptop.

e. The assistance of a scribe.

f. The ability to stand during an examination.

5.6 Deferred Assessment or Examination

Deferred assessment is granted to students who have been unable to undertake the final assessment or examination under an approved Special Consideration application.

5.6.1 Students may apply for deferred assessment if they are able to demonstrate, with supporting documents, that they were unable to sit the final examination or submit the final assessment by the due date because of unanticipated or exceptional circumstances. The documents must demonstrate beyond any reasonable doubt that the circumstances prevented the student from sitting the exam or submitting the final assessment item.

5.6.2 Deferred assessments may be granted only once for each unit of study, unless determined otherwise by the Dean.

5.6.3 Students must lodge an application for deferred assessment with the Dean’s Office (as a Special Consideration request) no later than five working days after the scheduled examination or the submission date of the final assessment. The application must be simultaneously accompanied by supporting documents demonstrating that the unanticipated or exceptional circumstances prevented the student from sitting the final exam or submitting the final assessment item.

5.6.4 If the unanticipated or exceptional circumstances prevent the student from submitting the request for deferred assessment within the prescribed time limit, the student should write to the Dean requesting that the limit be extended or waived.

5.6.5 The Dean will assess the application of deferred assessment or examination and supporting documents, and notify the unit coordinator that an application has been lodged. A deferred examination notation will be entered on the student record if the student:

a. Did not attend the scheduled primary examination; and

b. Has provided supporting documentation of unanticipated or exceptional circumstances; and

5.6.6 When the final assessment is not an examination, and /or where supporting documentation is not clear-cut, the application will be sent to the unit coordinator to decide one of the following courses of action:

a. Approval of deferred assessment;

b. Approval of deferred examination;

c. No action: the original grade stands.

5.6.7 The unit coordinator will make a decision within five working days of receiving the application.

5.6.8 Where the unit coordinator grants a deferred assessment, the unit coordinator must:

a. notify the Dean’s Office in writing; and

b. notify the student in writing about the requirements of the assessment item, including the revised submission date of the assessment. A copy of the correspondence must be provided to the Dean’s Office to be retained on the student’s file.

5.6.9 Where the unit coordinator grants a deferred examination, the unit coordinator will notify the Dean’s Office in wiring. The Dean or Associate Dean will:

a. enter the deferred assessment in the student record, and

b. notify the student in writing, confirming the deferred examination and  indicating the scheduled date, time and venue of the deferred examination.

5.6.10 The deferred assessment grade will be recorded once the unit coordinator has marked the assessment item.

5.7 Supplementary Assessment or Examination

Supplementary assessment offers students an opportunity to gain a supplementary pass (SP) as a final grade for a specific assessment task and a unit of study. Supplementary assessment may involve an examination or other form of assessment.

5.7.1 The Academic Board authorizes supplementary assessment to be used in a course.

5.7.2 Supplementary assessment or examination may be used in all undergraduate courses. The unit of study outline must state that supplementary assessment is available.

5.7.3 Supplementary assessment will be available to students under the following conditions only if the Academic Board or a delegated committee (e.g. Teaching & Learning Committee) reasonably expects that the student could achieve a supplementary pass in the course:

a. Students undertaking a full-time load or more per study period who have received in the previous semester an average mark of 70%;

b. Students who have been severely disadvantaged by unavoidable circumstances, which have adversely affected successful completion of one or more assessment items of a unit of study.

c. Supplementary assessment will not be granted to a student who has failed more than 50% of the course load attempted in a semester.

d. Students must have received a Fail mark between 40-49% indicating unsatisfactory performance on a number of learning outcomes, or failure to meet specified assessment requirements.

e. Specific arrangements for supplementary assessment or examination may be made for a student who is undertaking the final units of their program.

5.7.4 When the Academic Board or delegated committee authorises a supplementary assessment or examination for a student:

a. The Dean of Studies/Director of Operations will make the appropriate annotation on the student’s record.

b. If the supplementary assessment is an examination, Student Administration will schedule an examination in accordance with the stipulations of the Dean’s Office.

c. The Dean’s Office will notify in writing the student that a supplementary examination has been granted and the date of the supplementary examination.

d. If the supplementary assessment is not an examination the unit coordinator will notify in writing the student about the requirements of the assessment task, including the revised assessment submission date. A copy of the correspondence must be provided to the Dean’s Office to be retained in the student’s file.

e. Successful completion of a supplementary assessment will be recorded as a ‘supplementary pass’ (SP) and the final grade for the unit will also be recorded as SP. A failed supplementary assessment will be recorded as a Fail (F).

f. The original fail grade will stand if the student does not sit the supplementary exam or complete the supplementary assessment.

g. The Dean must be notified of the new result in writing so that the student’s record can be amended.

5.8 Marking

5.8.1 Marking is the process of assigning an assessment score or comment to a piece of work produced, performed or submitted by a student according to assessment item criteria.

5.8.2 Unit of Study Coordinators and lecturers/assessors must ensure that marking is fair and consistent across the student cohort, particularly in units of study where there is more than one assessor.

5.8.3 Unit of Study Coordinators and lecturers/assessors should also be aware of the following with respect to assessment.

a. All work submitted for assessment must be marked in private and is regarded as confidential (seminar presentations and peer assessment excepted).

b. Assessment items that are not normally returned to students (examination scripts, multiple-choice answer sheets, for example) will be retained for five years after submission of final results so that they can be referred to if the need arises.

c. Final assessment grades must not be provided to students until results have been officially released by the Dean.

5.8.4 All assessment should have a marking criteria clearly articulated in the unit of study outline. Students should be made aware of how they performed against the marking criteria.

5.8.5 A mark will be given for all summative assessment tasks which will can be equated to a percentage.

5.9 Grading

5.9.1 All summative assessment tasks will be awarded one of the following grades:

High Distinction (HD) = 85–100
Distinction (D) = 75–84
Credit (C) = 65–74
Pass (P) = 50–64
Fail (F) = 0–49

5.9.2 All students will receive a final overall grade for their completed units of study, which will be based on the weighted sum of their results across all assessment tasks (See the Grade Guide in Appendix A).

5.9.3 Borderline results are defined as a final mark of 46–49% where 50% is judged a Pass; or, those who just fail to meet objectives in units of study for which marks are not awarded. Students in these circumstances are eligible to be awarded a Pass Conceded (PC) if they have passed all other units of study in the semester (See Appendix A). A Pass Conceded result will be treated as a fail for pre-requisite purposes.

5.10 Re-Marking

Re-marking is the process involving the marking of an assessment item for a second time by a second assessor/marker, without the student undertaking any further work or amendments to the original submission. The procedures for re-marking are described in the CCA Academic Grievance Policy and Procedures.

5.11 Re-submission

5.11.1 Re-submission is where a student is permitted to revise and/or re-write an assessment item that they have failed for reasons not connected to late submission. The assessment item is then re-submitted to the original assessor within a specified time frame.

5.11.2 Re-submission can be initiated by a unit coordinator, a student or by the Dean of Studies.

5.11.3 A unit coordinator can offer a student the opportunity to re-submit work. The offer must be made within five days of the original assessment item being returned to the student.

5.11.4 A student can request a re-submission within five days of the original assessment item being returned. The unit coordinator will notify the student in writing within five days whether a re-submission has been granted or refused.

5.11.5 If the course coordinator grants a re-submission, they will explain: which part or parts of the assessment item can be revised and re-written; the due date for re-submission, and the marks available.

5.11.6 Students who pass a re-submission will receive a maximum mark of 50% unless:

a. The unit coordinator allows the full range of marks on the basis of exceptional  circumstances, or

b. The re-submission results from an academic misconduct investigation. The Dean of Studies will then determine the range of marks available, in consultation with the unit coordinator.

5.11.7 If the unit coordinator rejects a request for re-submission, the student may request that the Dean of Studies review the unit coordinator’s decision. The student must submit their written request to the Dean of Studies within five working days of receiving the unit coordinator’s decision. The request must explain the grounds on which the re-submission is sought.

5.11.8 The Dean of Studies will respond to the student’s request by:

a. Approving or rejecting the request for re-submission, and notifying the student and the unit coordinator of their decision in writing within five working days of receiving the request.

b. Stating that the original grade stands when the request for re-submission is rejected.

5.11.9 If the Dean of Studies approves a re-submission, the unit coordinator will inform the student in writing which part of parts of the assessment item must be revised and re-written; the due date for re-submission; and the marks available.

5.11.10 The unit coordinator will notify the student of the outcome of the re-submission within ten working days of receiving the re-submitted assessment item.

5.11.11 The unit coordinator will provide the Dean’s Office with a copy of correspondence related to the re-submission to be retained on the student’s file.

5.11.12 Students who are not satisfied with the result of the re-submission may appeal their final grade in accordance with the CCA Academic Grievance Policy and Procedure.

5.11.13 The Dean of Studies may recommend a re-mark or re-submission resulting from an academic misconduct investigation.

5.12 Conflict of Interest

Unit of study Coordinators, or other staff appointed to mark assessment items, have a responsibility to assess students’ work fairly, objectively and consistently across the candidature of a unit of study or course. A personal or family relationship with a student has the potential to compromise this responsibility by creating a conflict of interest. Academic staff, who deem that they may be affected by a conflict of interest, must bring this to the attention of the Dean of Studies. (Refer to the Staff Code of Conduct).

5.13 Feedback

5.13.1 Feedback provides information to students on their progress in a unit of study. Feedback should occur in both a quantified form, such as grades, and a qualitative form such as comments, model answers, or suggested readings. Feedback assists students to learn effectively by informing them of the standard of performance achieved and what needs to be done to improve the standard of performance. The nature and type of feedback chosen will be determined by the nature  their performance and the feedback received with an appropriate member of academic staff.

5.13.2 Students are entitled to receive feedback on all assessments tasks they complete other than formal examinations. Students should be reminded that if work is submitted by the due date, they will normally receive feedback on their work in time to benefit in preparing for the next task. This cannot be assured if work is submitted beyond the due date.

5.13.3 Feedback should:

a. be timely (ordinarily, written assessments will be returned no later than 21 days after the assessment is submitted) and/or prior to the deadline for the next assessment task;

b. relate specifically to learning outcomes;

c. allow students to use the information to improve their performance;

d. be provided, where appropriate, in part within the first half of a semester or teaching session.

5.13.4 Feedback should be constructive and focus on assisting students to improve the quality of their work.

6. Roles and Responsibilities

6.1 Students

a) Engage actively in the learning process and participate according to unit of study and assessment requirements.

b) Complete assessment tasks diligently and honestly to provide evidence of learning achievements in a unit of study.

c) Meet assessment requirements as specified in the unit of study outline, including submission of work by the due date.

d) Apply the principles of good academic practice (refer section 3.1).

6.2 Lecturers/Assessors/Markers

a) Exercise professional judgement involved in implementing and/or administering assessment items that are relevant, fair, valid and appropriate to the aims of the course and unit of study objectives.

b) Provide feedback within a reasonable time on how effectively students are learning

c) Provide evidence to the Unit of study Coordinator that students have achieved a particular standard or achieved certain outcomes.

d) Treat assessment work as confidential and not distributing students’ assessment items, other than to staff involved in processing or marking, unless with the students’ consent, except in the case of peer assessment, where students’ names should be removed and work treated anonymously.

e) Inform students of assessment policy and procedures and what is acceptable academic conduct.

f) Where markers not involved in the co-ordination or delivery of the unit are used, provide appropriate guidelines on assessment criteria, marking scales and strategies.

6.3 Unit of Study Coordinators

a) Determine and design the assessment items, assessment pattern and methods by which final results are calculated.

b) Prepare Unit of Study Outlines.

c) Provide assessment tasks.

d) Set alternative/additional assessment items.

e) Calculate results for consideration of the Board of Examiners, including taking into account applications for Special Consideration lodged by students.

f) Communicate information to all staff teaching and/or assessing in a unit of study.

6.4 Dean of Studies

a) Oversight of all units of study.

b) Appoint Unit of study Coordinators, engage casual staff and resolve problems:

c) Ensure assessment standard policy and procedures are maintained.

d) Consider reports about students’ academic misconduct and determine whether allegations should be investigated.

e) Appoint academic advisers for students who are on probation.

f) Monitor the effectiveness of assessment practices in units of study, using (among other things) statistics on grade distribution.

g) Make recommendations to the Teaching and Learning Committee regarding assessment policy and procedures.

6.5 Board of Examiners

a) Review the performance of students, paying particular attention to borderline results to determine appropriate action in consideration of the table of grades.

b) Review the progress of students with provisional status.

c) Assess applications for special consideration, ensuring that Unit of study Coordinators have taken requests for special consideration into account when calculating final marks.

d) Approve the publication of results

e) Make changes to students’ Progression Category as appropriate.

7. References

7.1 Australian Qualifications Framework

7.2 Higher Education Standards Framework (Thresholds) 2015

7.3 University of Divinity Assessment Policy

7.4 Christian Heritage College Assessment Policy

7.5 UTS Assessment Policy and Procedures

7.6 University of South Australia Assessment Policies and Procedures

7.7 University of Sydney Assessment Policy and Procedures

7.8 John Bean and Dean Peterson (1998), “Grading Classroom Participation”, New Directions for Teaching and Learning, Vol. 74, pp.33-40.


Appendix A: Table of Results and Grades

Grades are the symbols that indicate the level of student performance in a unit of study against specified criteria and standards. Grades are awarded so that Campion College can provide a statement for the students and outside community that indicates the student’s achievement of the learning objectives in a unit of study. Generally at Campion College the units of study are graded with the grades of High Distinction, Distinction, Credit, Pass and Fail.

GradeNotationMark RangeGrade PointDescriptor
High DistinctionHD85–1007Work of outstanding quality on all objectives of the subject, which may be demonstrated by means of criticism, logical argument, interpretation of materials or use of methodological principles.
DistinctionD75–846Work of high quality on all objectives, demonstrating a sound grasp of content, together with efficient organisation and selectivity.
CreditC65–745Work of good quality showing more than satisfactory achievement on all objectives, or work of superior quality on most of the objectives.
PassP50–644Work showing a satisfactory achievement on the overall objectives of the subject.
Pass – ConcededPC46-493A conceded passing grade awarded where a student has:
·         Failed one subject only for the semester; with a result in the range 46-49;
·         Has passed all other subjects in the semester.
Terminating PassPT46-493A terminating pass is a grade which allows for a course to be included in a student’s progression through their program of study, but proscribes the course from being used as a prerequisite.
Supplementary PassSP503.5Satisfactory performance on a supplementary assessment item
Fail Level 1F140–491.5Unsatisfactory performance in one or more objectives of the subject as contained within the assessment items; OR failure to meet specified assessment requirements.
Fail Level 2F2Below 401Unsatisfactory performance on the majority of learning outcomes.
SatisfactorySA non-graded pass indicating a satisfactory outcome (for example, at the end of the first semester of a full-year research project)
ExchangeEXCH.Student is participating in an approved exchange program and is attending classes at an overseas institution. RPL will be granted for the subjects studied.
WithdrawnSubject discontinued without academic penalty (only used in cases of serious and certifiable misadventure). Both academic & financial penalties are waived.
Discontinued – failDiscontinued with academic penalty: The student withdrew from the course after the date (census date) for withdrawal without academic penalty.
Discontinued – no fail Subject discontinued without academic penalty. The student withdrew before the date for withdrawal or having withdrawn after the census date because of fortuitous circumstances has applied for the granting of DNF. While academic penalties are waived, the student is obliged to pay tuition fees.
Recognition of Prior LearningCredit outcomes based on identified equivalence
Pass Recognised (Credit Transfer)Credit outcomes based on identified equivalence in content and learning outcomes between matched qualifications.
Interim notation – results not finalised
WithheldWHResult withheld, (only able to be granted by the Board of Examiners on the recommendation of a Subject Coordinator or the Dean of Studies). May be due to pending supplementary assessment(s), alternative assessment(s) due to misadventure, or extension of time due to misadventure. Will revert to a ‘F - fail’ grade if not resolved within the specified timeframe.