Attendance Policy
Latest Amendment/Approval Date: March 2020
1. Purpose
1.1 This policy is to provide information on attendance expectations for Campion College students and staff.
2. Scope
2.1 The policy applies to all students enrolled at Campion College irrespective of their enrolment status (i.e. F/T; P/T; probationary; on referral; provisional; or miscellaneous), and delivery mode (online, face-to-face, or blended).
3. Principles
3.1 Campion College Australia recognizes the value and efficacy of traditional face-to-face teaching in achieving the learning objectives of single units of study and the learning outcomes of the degree. It therefore places great importance on student attendance at tutorials, lectures, seminars. Campion College’s Student Code of Conduct includes attendance among the students’ responsibilities.
3.2 Furthermore Campion College deems that, besides assessments, class attendance is a means by which to monitor effectively a student’s academic performance and identify eventual learning difficulties or obstacles which may affect a student’s ability to complete the unit and/or his/her overall academic progression.
4. Policy
4.1 Students are required to attend a minimum of 80% of lectures and 80% of tutorials offered in the unit. Students who fail to meet the attendance requirement and do not provide satisfactory
explanation for their absence will risk failing the unit.
4.2 If satisfactory explanation is provided, attendance cannot fall below 60% of the classes offered (exceptional circumstances may apply, as outlined under 4.3, below).
4.3 In cases of serious medical or personal difficulties preventing students from regularly attending classes—such as temporary or permanent physical or mental disability—special provisions may apply. These students may be provided with the recordings of lectures and permitted to submit supplementary assessments for tutorials. In such exceptional circumstances, the minimum attendance requirement will be determined by the Dean following consultation with the lecturers in whose units the student is enrolled.
4.4 Students who are afflicted by adverse circumstances beyond their control (e.g. long-term chronic illness; bereavement) that temporarily or permanently impede their regular attendance may also apply for withdrawal from the unit on medical or compassionate grounds, without academic and/or financial penalty (See Withdrawal From Studies and Course Variation Policy).
4.4 Alternatively, students under such adverse circumstances who have fallen below the 60% attendance threshold, may apply for a Discontinued Non-Fail (DNF) from applicable units of study on medical or compassionate grounds, by writing to the Dean of Studies and completing the appropriate form.
4.5 A student who fails to meet the attendance requirements of a unit may be awarded a ’44 Fail Incomplete’ for the unit by the Board of Examiners if he/she has failed to provide a satisfactory and/or documentable reason for not attending classes.
4.6 A student who has been awarded a ‘Fail Incomplete’ for a unit of study due to low attendance, has a right to appeal the grade (see Academic Grievance Policy & Procedure).
5. Roles and Responsibilities
5.1 Lecturers and tutors are obliged:
i. To maintain a record of the attendance to classes of each student enrolled in the unit of study;
ii. To record attendance by circulating an attendance logbook or sheet which students will sign to confirm their presence;
iii. To retain the attendance records of each unit of study for the minimum duration of three years or until each student has completed the award.
iv. If a student’s attendance is at risk of falling below the 80% threshold, the unit coordinator should contact the student at appropriate times during the semester and discuss the reasons for his/her absence from classes.
v. If no satisfactory justification has been adduced by the student and/or the student’s attendance fails to improve, the unit coordinator should inform the Dean’s Office.
vi. The Dean’s Office will contact the student and provide adequate assistance