Concurrent Study Policy

Concurrent Study Policy


Concurrent Study Policy

Latest Amendment:/Approval Date: March 2021

1. Purpose

1.1.This policy refers to the recognition of concurrent studies at another higher education institution. Credit earned at another institution may be recognised as equivalent to or a substitute for Campion units within an award course.

2. Definitions

2.1. For the purpose of this policy, the following definitions apply:

Concurrent Enrolment means the simultaneous enrolment into and completion of one or more units of study at an institution other than Campion College.

3. Scope

3.1 This policy applies to all Campion College students who are enrolled in either undergraduate or postgraduate units of study at other institutions.

4. Principles

Campion College Australia offers a course of studies in the Liberal Arts which is based on a particular philosophy of education aiming at the development of the individual as an intellectual, moral and spiritual being. The curriculum therefore promotes an understanding of the interconnectedness of the ideas and perspectives across various subjects, thereby fostering the intellectual skills of critical analysis and synthesis:

a) Chronological harmony, offering students a variety of perspectives in the same period (in subjects like history, philosophy, literature, and science), so that the realities of life can be viewed through different lenses.

b) Chronological progression, so as to give students a sense of historical context, continuity, and change.

c) Local and global vantage points, allowing students the opportunity to study both universal and indigenous cultural expressions.

d) The complementarity of faith and reason – as distinct but converging channels of access to the pursuit of truth and the development of a full and integrated mind.

Because the Bachelor of Arts in the Liberal Arts, offered by Campion College is based on the notion of ‘integrated knowledge’, it is therefore important that students complete the units of study which are part of the curriculum.

5. Policy

5.1 Concurrent study will not normally be recognised as equivalent to units of study within a Campion award course at Campion unless it has been:

a) undertaken as part of a formal exchange agreement; or

b) undertaken after receiving prior approval from the Dean of Studies.

5.2 Concurrent study will be recognised if the applicant can reasonably justify why they are unable to complete the equivalent units of study at Campion.

5.3 The type and the number of units of study which can be undertaken by a student as ‘concurrent study’ are limited respectively by:

  • the integrated nature of the Campion degree, and
  • Campion College’s Recognition of Prior Learning Policy which states that no student will receive credit that totals more than:
    • one-third of a course of three years or less full-time duration, or
    • one-quarter of a course of more than three years full-time duration.

5.4 When considering a request for ‘concurrent study’, the Dean of Studies will favour the primacy of the award course at the College over external subjects.

5.5 Students undertaking ‘concurrent study’ are expected to take full ownership of their studies and to ensure that their study load is manageable.

5.6 Requests for ‘concurrent study’ will be processed using the ‘Recognition of Prior Learning Form’

6. Roles and Responsibilities

6.1 The Dean of Studies is responsible for assessing requests for concurrent study and informing students of their obligations.