Minimum Enrolment Policy and Procedure

Minimum Enrolment Policy and Procedure


Minimum Enrolment Policy and Procedure

Latest Amendment/Approval Date: February 2024

1. Purpose

1.1. The purpose of this policy is to recommend the minimum student enrolments for a face to face class to be offered in a semester.


2. Scope

2.1. This policy applies to all undergraduate courses at Campion College.


3. Principles

3.1. Campion College will make every effort to run all units of study and programs as advertised. However, the offer of particular units or programs is dependent on resources and staff being available.


4. Policy

4.1. Should enrolments in a face-to-face unit of study or program fall below 5 students it will be subject to review by the Dean of Studies.

4.2. The Dean of Studies may declare such a unit or program ‘non-viable’ and recommend the Academic Board that the unit of study or program be cancelled for that semester.

4.3. In the case of a cancellation, Campion College will:

a. Propose an alternative unit of study to students;

b. Refund any up-front paid tuition fees;

c. Propose that the unit be offered in Directed Individual Study mode in accordance with policy.


5. Roles and Responsibilities

5.1. The Dean of Studies is responsible for monitoring whether a unit has sufficient enrolments, considering also the Directed Individual Study Policy & Procedures.