Online Learning Management Policy

Online Learning Management Policy


Online Learning Management Policy

Latest Amendment/Approval Date: June 2023

1. Purpose

1.1 The purpose of this policy is to outline the processes by which courses offered by Campion College online are managed each semester.

1.2 This policy is to ensure that students enrolled in online courses are in no way disadvantaged and receive a learning experience equal to all other students.

2. Definitions

2.1 For the purpose of this policy, the following definitions apply:

Learning platform means an online app and software available for students to join classes, download materials, and submit assessment items;

Online course means a course where all learning and assessment occurs online.

3. Scope

3.1 This policy applies primarily to academic and professional staff involved in the:

  • Delivery of units of study offered within a course, including identifying students at risk;
  • Availability of support for students newly enrolled in an online course, especially through orientation;
  • Provision of resources for online students;
  • Identification of students at risk and the management of learning support services for those students.

3.2 This policy applies to the management of all undergraduate and postgraduate online courses, including the following matters:

  • Transitional support for new students;
  • Detecting students at risk
  • Learning support services
  • Benchmarking

4. Principles

The following principles frame the management of all Campion online courses, with the over-riding principle that resources devoted to online learning must match those directed towards face-to-face learning, so that quality is not compromised in online interaction between College staff and students:

  • Clarity of course content, assessment, workload, learning experience and outcomes;
  • Timely and appropriate support of staff delivering the units (eg. training in online resources);
  • Timely and appropriate assessment feedback;
  • Flexibility in pedagogical approaches and facilitating student learning;
  • Student access to the necessary resources to meet course requirements (as a condition of admission, students in online courses are required to have access to appropriate computer technology and the internet);
  • Functional and accessible learning management system;
  • A variety of assessment that caters to different learning styles and outcomes;
  • Appropriately and adequately educated and skilled faculty and trainers;
  • Appropriate benchmarking, review and continuous improvement

5. Policy

5.1 Transitional support for new students.

During Orientation Week at the beginning of each semester, students enrolled in online courses are required to participate in an orientation program, delivered online, which includes information concerning:

  • Adapting to student life and the demands of study;
  • Learning support services available, including e-learning skills development;
  • Wellbeing and safety for online students.

Within two weeks of the beginning of Orientation Week, new students must acknowledge that they have participated in the program. In addition, all students receive a e-welcome pack consisting of:

  • Student Handbook
  • Semester calendar
  • New Student Information Booklet
  • FEE-HELP Information Booklet
  • Internet and Online Resources Information sheet
  • The Campion Book: A Founding Statement
  • Statement of Tuition Assurance
  • Student policies and procedures
  • Safety@Campion information leaflet (including referrals to health and counselling services)

5.2 Detecting students at risk.

  • All students undertaking undergraduate courses at Campion, regardless of the mode of delivery, are required to undertake a proficiency test during orientation week to determine their level of language skills.
  • Postgraduate online students undertake early assessment, providing an opportunity for unit coordinators to identify what additional support students may need.

5.3 Learning support services

The Study Skills Advisor is available for assisting all online students via email or via the Campion Library website. Here students find support for:

  • Library Database links
  • Research tips
  • Writing tips
  • Essay Writing Handbook
  • Referencing Guide

All lecturers must also be available for assisting students with their learning experience via the online learning platforms.

Learning platforms are not just a repository of resources, but also spaces for engagement and collaboration between instructors and students for a combination of synchronous and a-synchronous learning.

5.4 Benchmarking.

5.4.1 As with all Campion programs delivered face-to-face, online courses are to be reviewed entirely on a regular seven-year cycle, in accordance with the CCA Course Development and Review Policy.


5.4.2 At all other times, regular reviews may consist of:

  • Benchmarking course requirements, including content and outcomes, with similar courses at Australian universities and relevant international institutions through the Teaching & Learning Committee;
  • External input through the Course Advisory & Review Committee and the Course Development Committee;
  • Assessment standards monitored regularly by the Unit of Study Committee and the Dean of Studies;
  • Benchmarking assessment through moderation of samples by academic staff from external institutions;
  • Feedback from students and graduates through regular surveys;
  • Peer assessment of teaching practices.

5.4.3 Campion also regularly benchmarks its activities with other institutions through its membership of the following associations:

  • Higher Education Private Providers-Quality Network
  • Independent Higher Education Australia

6. Roles and Responsibilities

6.1 The Dean of Studies is responsible for overseeing the implementation of policies and procedures related to online learning management.

6.2 All teaching staff are responsible for:

  • Exercising professional judgement in implementing and administering assessment items;
  • Providing timely feedback to students;
  • Meeting quality standards for delivery;
  • Informing students of expectations;
  • Providing appropriate guidelines on assessment criteria.

6.3 All professional and support staff are responsible for:

  • Providing students with timely advice and information about College procedures, including learning support services.

6.4 All students are responsible for:

  • Engaging actively in the learning process by participating according to unit of study and assessment requirements;
  • Completing assessment tasks diligently and honestly.

7. References

7.1 TEQSA “Guidance Note: Technology Enhanced Learning” (11 April 2019)

7.2 TEQSA, “Higher Education Good Practice Hub: Teaching & Learning”, 13 October 2022. URL:

7.3 Stephen Marshall, “E-Learning Maturity Model: Process Descriptions”, Victoria University of Wellington, 2007