Student Transition Policy

Student Transition Policy


Student Transition Policy

Latest Amendment/Approval Date: February 2024

1. Purpose

1.1 Campion College Australia is committed to facilitating a positive and successful transition for all commencing student to their courses, campus and learning environment through orientation processes which provide academic, administrative and other support familiarisation with the College and embrace the diversity of their previous experience.

2. Definitions

2.1 Transition means a process for students that starts with a letter of offer and incorporates activities and distribution of information designed to foster academic achievement and social integration. In the context of the College it refers to the range of issues, challenges and emotions that students face during the various stages of their diploma courses, and specifically in making the move to the College from secondary school or another tertiary institution or some activity such as work, beginning a career or a gap year.

2.2 Orientation Week means the week immediately preceding Week 1 of the first year teaching semester recognised as the official commencement to the academic year.

3. Scope

3.1 The College focuses on providing the best possible experience for new students in an environment where they are supported in developing the skills involved in taking responsibility for their own learning.

3.2 As such, all College staff, professional and academic, should be involved in the implementation of this policy.

3.3 The College must deliver a comprehensive and coordinated approach to student transition and orientation that:

  • Involves a whole of College approach;
  • Is facilitated by a quality learning environment and good education and support;
  • Fosters ready access to services and programs that aid academic and social orientation, integration and support;
  • Is appropriate to the core values of Campion College Australia;
  • Is actively evaluated and updated as necessary.


4. Principles

4.1 Campion College Australia, as a higher education provider (HEP), is committed to providing quality education. As such, the College acknowledges that students undertake learning transitions over time which may involve large-scale academic, social, and environmental change.

4.2 The transition period should

  • Be a positive experience;
  • Deliver information that is relevant and useful to the student in the immediate short term;
  • Avoid delivering too much information too soon;
  • Connect commencing students to key staff and other students in order to build relationships;
  • Enable students to access information, support and advice that might be needed at later points in their studies at the College.

4.3 The transition period refers to the student experience during the admissions process, Orientation Week, and the first semester of study.

5. Policy

5.1 All students undergoing the admissions process and attending Orientation Week must be well informed about some essential information for succeeding and flourishing at College, including:

  • The location of the campus and its amenities;
  • Course expectations;
  • Teaching methods and assessment procedures;
  • Resources required for succeeding in the course;
  • Non-tuition fees, such as for accommodation;
  • Academic policies and procedures;
  • Available scholarships and the application process;
  • Availability of counselling, health, and chaplaincy services;
  • Availability of learning support services;
  • Availability of services for students from disadvantaged or diverse backgrounds;
  • Availability of IT services;
  • Sports and recreation activities, such as clubs and societies;
  • The activities of the Campion College Student Association (CCSA).

5.2 Policies and procedures provided to students during admissions and Orientation Week must include:

  • Assessment Policy
  • Attendance Policy
  • Academic Integrity Policy
  • Academic Grievance Procedures
  • Refund Policy
  • Student Misconduct Policy
  • Student Overseas Study, Exchange and Study Abroad Policy

5.3 All commencing students are required to attend Orientation Week, during which they are presented with guidance on essay writing and information about where to find learning assistance. Commencing students must also be informed about the expectation that they avoid plagiarism and maintain academic integrity.

5.4 Orientation Week must also be used as an opportunity for commencing students to receive guidance on adapting to College life. To that end they must meet Residential Assistants and the executive of the CCSA, as well as key professional staff. Commencing students must also be shown all of the available College facilities and amenities.

5.5 To assist integration into College life, commencing students will be assigned a mentor from among the senior students. Mentors have the responsibility of advising commencing students about appropriate conduct on campus and classroom etiquette. Mentors and Residential Assistants must also be able to remind commencing students of the services available that relate to health and wellbeing.

5.6 Integration into College life also requires the involvement of first-year students in regular events on campus.


6. Roles and Responsibilities

6.1 The implementation of this policy must involve all staff in their various roles during the admissions process, during Orientation Week, and during the commencement of the academic year.

6.2 The co-ordination of activities for successful implementation of this policy, responsive to the requirements stipulated in item 5 and in the Higher Education Standards Framework 2015, is the responsibility of the Dean of Studies with the Coordinator of Admissions and Student Life.


7. References

  • Higher Education Support Act 2003
  • Threshold Standards 2015