Withdrawal from Studies and Course Variation Policy

Withdrawal from Studies and Course Variation Policy


Withdrawal from Studies and Course Variation Policy

Latest Amendment/Approval Date: December 2020

1. Purpose

This policy refers to guidelines for:

  • Deferral,
  • Leave of Absence
  • Suspension of Enrolment
  • Cancellation of Enrolment
  • Variation of Enrolment
  • Withdrawal from the Course

2. Scope

This policy applies to all students enrolling in a course at Campion College.

3. Principles

The College expects students to actively engage in all their units of study associated with their enrolled course. The College does however acknowledge that there are times whereby students cannot engage in their studies or do not wish to continue their studies. For those students, the College must provide opportunities for deferral, leave, or withdrawal. The College also expects students to meet academic standards to progress into the course towards completion. Failure to meet those standards must lead to potential suspension or cancellation of enrolment.

4. Policy

4.1. Deferral:

Deferral is for commencing students who have yet to begin their course and want to delay their start date. Requests for deferral must be made to the Dean of Studies and in writing prior to the beginning of semester. Students who defer can suspend commencement of their degree and/or diploma for up to 4 semesters in total.

Deferral requests (Variation of Enrolment form) must be made before the census date for the given semester. Deferral requests received by the Dean of Studies after the census date cannot be approved for the current semester.

Deferral requests may lead to a suspension or cancellation of a scholarship or bursary.

4.2. Leave of Absence
Students often may need a break from study and request a period of approved leave from studies. If approved, a leave of absence means that a student can spend a period away from his/her course without losing his or her place.

If a student takes leave from his/her studies without approval, his/her candidature will lapse and will require him/her to reapply for admission to the College courses.

The minimum period granted for leave of absence is for one semester; and the maximum period is 2 semesters (1 year) at a time.

If a student does not re-enrol after a leave of absence the candidature will lapse and the student will need to apply to be re-admitted to the degree. The same applies to students who do not re-enrol and who take unauthorised leave.

Leave requests (Variation of Enrolment form) must be made before the census date for the given semester. Leave requests received by the Dean of Studies after the census date cannot be approved for the current semester.

Leave requests may lead to a suspension or cancellation of a scholarship or bursary.

4.3. Suspension and/or Cancellation of Enrolment:

The College may suspend a student’s enrolment in the following circumstances;

  • Unsatisfactory course progress resulting in academic exclusion of up to 12 months (See CCA Academic Progression Policy)
  • Student misconduct (See: CCA Student Code of Conduct)
  • Non-payment of outstanding fees
  • If the student gave false and misleading information upon application, the enrolment may be suspended while the College considers consequences, and may lead to cancellation of enrolment.

In cases where a student’s enrolment has been suspended or cancelled by the College, the student will be notified and given 20 working days to access the College’s internal complaints and appeals process. If a student’s enrolment is suspended or cancelled, the student is not entitled to a refund of their tuition fees.

4.4. Variation of Enrolment:

Students may vary their selection of enrolled units prior to the census date. To do so, students must complete the relevant sections of the Variation of Enrolment Form and acquire the approval of the appropriate lecturer and the Dean of Studies. Students are not permitted to add units after a period of time which would prevent them from fulfilling the attendance requirements. This would normally be after two weeks following the commencement of semester. Students are not permitted to delete units of study after the census date.

4.5. Withdrawal from the Course:

To withdraw from their course, students can complete at any time the relevant sections of the Variation of Enrolment Form.
Withdrawal without financial and/or academic penalty will only be considered for a student whose special circumstances include the following:

  1. Circumstances beyond his/her control; and
  2. Which did not make their full impact upon the student until on or after the census date; and
  3. Which made it impracticable for the student to complete the requirements for the course in the period during which he/she undertook or were to undertake the course.

Applications for withdrawal without financial and/or academic penalty will only be considered upon the completion and submission of the relevant form (Appendix A: Withdrawal Without Financial and/or Academic Penalty) and supporting documentation. Applications must be submitted within 12 months of withdrawing from the unit or, in the event that the student does not withdraw, within 12 months of the end of the teaching period in which the unit was taken. Applications are assessed by the College Executive Committee and the student is to be advised of the outcome within 20 days of the submission of the application.

In cases where students withdraw prior to the census date or are granted withdrawal without financial penalty, they are entitled to a refund of their tuition fees, the funds will be returned in accordance with the Refund Policy.

5. Roles and Responsibilities

The Dean of Studies is responsible for assessing the eligibility of all variation of enrolment applications, with the exception of students seeking withdrawal without financial and/or academic penalty (see 4.5). Students are responsible for following the requirements for variation of enrolment as per this policy document and related forms.


Appendix A: Withdrawal Without Financial and/or Academic Penalty