
Honours Units

Honours Units



Honours units at Campion College are studied as part of the Bachelor of Arts in the Liberal Arts (Honours).

The Honours program is the highest level of study attainable in the undergraduate degree at Campion College. The program is targeted towards students who have demonstrated the capacity for conducting research in a professional and scholarly manner during the first three years of their undergraduate career. Such students will have the opportunity to engage in specialised and extended scholarship in either history literature, philosophy or theology. Students enrolled in this course complete LIB401, LIB402 and LIB403.


Honours units on offer

LIB401: Research Topics
This unit involves the student’s development of an indepth study of a particular research area.

LIB402: Independent Reading
This unit prepares students to develop a critical analysis of the literature relevant to their chosen research area.

LIB403: Honours Thesis
In this unit of study, students complete and submit a substantial, independent research project in their chosen field of specialisation.



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