Religious Education

Religious Education


Religious Education

Religious Education units at Campion College are studied as part of the Graduate Certificate in Religious Education (Primary) and the Graduate Certificate in Religious Education (Secondary).

Individuals who do not wish to enrol in a full course may enrol in single units as a non-award (for academic credit) or auditing student.


Religious Education units on offer

RED501: Historical Context of Catholic Teaching
This unit of study traces the historical development of Catholic life and teaching and explores how this can be presented to students at various levels.

RED502: Teaching the Sacraments
Students completing this unit will develop a body of knowledge related to the education in sacramentality and sacraments of students in primary schools.

RED503: Challenges and Strategies in Religious Education
Students completing this unit will explore developmental theory and curriculum principles applicable to the religious education of students.

RED504: Introduction to Biblical Studies
Students completing this unit will develop a body of knowledge related to the Bible and its interpretation according to the Catholic Tradition.

RED505: Sacramental Theology and Adolescent Pedagogy
This unit starts with an exploration of effective contemporary adolescent pedagogy in religious education with a focus on a liberal arts approach, the use of provocation of thought, discussion, reflection, contemplation, prayer and meditation.

RED506: Faith and Reason in Adolescent Education
This unit of study examines key aspects of Catholic life and teaching through the lens of faith and reason (theology and philosophy).

RED507: Biblical Studies and Prayer for Adolescents
This unit of study introduces Biblical Studies from the perspective of the Catholic Church and offers resources for teaching, and praying with, the Bible in the adolescent religious education classroom.

RED508: Historical Context of Catholic Doctrine
This unit of study traces the historical development of Catholic life and teaching from the early Church through to today’s post conciliar Church.



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