THE202: Moral Theology

THE202: Moral Theology


THE202: Moral Theology

Key details

Accredited towardsBachelor of Arts in the Liberal Arts
Unit typeCore unit
Credit points6
Indicative contact hours3 hours per week
Offered inSemester 2
Tuition feeLearn more



This unit involves a study of the theological foundations of Catholic moral teaching. This encompasses the biblical sources of the teaching, the historical development of moral theology and the role of the Magisterium of the Church in authoritative pronouncements on moral questions.  Topics treated include the history of Moral Theology, moral absolutes, the role of emotions in morality, sin, freedom and responsibility, and conscience. There is also a general treatment of issues in bio-ethics and sexual ethics.


Learning outcomes

On completion of this unit of study, students will be able to:

  1. Critically evaluate the sources, importance and development of moral theology in the post-conciliar Church
  2. Illustrate how the revealed and natural law instils certain moral obligations in the person
  3. Describe and appraise the nature and function of the conscience as the witness to divine truth
  4. Compare and contrast the way in which different moral theories identify and apply the elements of a moral act which determine the morality of an action
  5. Encourage research, critical reading, reflection and analysis of presented material and readings
  6. Demonstrate the ability to think logically, critically analyse situations and design responsible solutions to problems



Interested in other Theology units?

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THE104Introduction to the New Testament
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THE301Modern Theology
THE303Moral and Sexual Integrity
THE304Social and Public Theology
THE305The History and Theology of Sacred Art



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